Peek behind the colourful curtain of new musical Frankie Goes to Bollywood
Following a UK wide tour, Frankie Goes to Bollywood is now playing at the Southbank Centre in London until the 18th August. Hinton had a peek behind the glitz and the glamour of the Bollywood themed musical to see what the real message of the show is. Helen K Wint answers our questions about working on the show and the real-life experiences of the issues it raises questions about.

What is Frankie Goes to Bollywood about and how do your characters fit into the show?
Frankie Goes to Bollywood is a musical about a British Asian woman, who in a chance meeting finds herself as the next big star in Bollywood. The show explores her journey to fame alongside some of the darker elements of the Bollywood industry. I play two different parts in this show. Frankie’s Ma, and also Malika. Malika is the current 'Queen' of Bollywood and is threatened by the arrival of a younger star, as she knows her own days in the industry are numbered.
The show tackles some dark themes but is also bright and colourful, how do these two aspects work together and how to they highlight one another?
We have some beautiful moments in the show which celebrate the colour, costumes, music and dance of the film industry but this is paired with the darker, behind the scenes elements. Sexism, ageism, nepotism, are just a few of the real-life issues many people face when in the entertainment industry and we explore them in our show.
The show toured the UK, what was the reception like in different places? Do you think it will be the same in London?
We toured the UK with the show and had some lovely feedback! In some cities the audiences are very loud, and they laugh and cheer all the way through the show, whilst others can be quite quiet, but then let loose at the end of the show in the megamix! One thing that is clear is that it really is important to showcase diversity and allow people to see themselves and their culture represented on stage. I think London will be a wonderful venue. Perhaps harder to please as an audience as there is so much to choose from when it comes to entertainment in the West End, but I think they will appreciate our musical and its message.
What are your experiences of Bollywood? Have you watched many films, or is it a new world you’ve discovered though the show?
I had almost no experience of Bollywood before this show! One of the memories I do have was when I visited family in India, and they had a Bollywood film on the TV. I remember the leading actress singing whilst running round a tree. She was stunningly beautiful and the whole movie was so colourful. But other than that, I learned most of what I know from being a part of this show!
Who do you think should see the show?
Anyone who has an interest in the entertainment industry and how it is run should come and see our show, as so many of the topics we encounter are not unique to Bollywood. These are issues that most actors will come across, in any part of the world. Also, anyone interested in Bollywood will appreciate the show, as will anyone looking for a good night out! The show will make you laugh and smile whilst also giving some take away thoughts about the way things are run, and about being your own Hero!
Frankie Goes to Bollywood plays at the Southbank Centre, London, until 18th August.