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Kolsquare urges brands to embrace Green Friday as trend for underconsumption grows on social media

Writer: Hinton MagazineHinton Magazine

Young people are turning their backs on Black Friday as 76% of consumers* try to make sustainable purchasing decisions and Greenpeace calls the day, ‘A nightmare for the planet.’ Instead, Kolsquare urges brands to back Green Friday, an anti-consumerist trend fuelled by the desire to save our planet.

Beauty brand Rituals has taken the lead with a statement on its website that reads: “We strive for a better world. We think it is important that you feel good and that we take care of the planet at the same time. To reinforce this, we prefer to call Black Friday Green Friday at Rituals.’


Quentin Bordage, CEO and founder of Kolsquare says: “There is a growing number of influencers pushing for brands to embrace Green Friday. It’s not about bringing a halt to commerce, it’s about trying to find a more ethical and planet-friendly way to trade. Influencers are a great ally for brands as they are on the front line when taking action on climate change.’

Kolsquare’s tips for brands who want to go Green Friday

  1. Collaborate with influencers who are committed to sustainability and making ethical choices. Work with green campaigners like @goinggreenmedia

  2. Co-create campaigns with influencers that emphasise the need to shop sustainably

  3. Donate part of your Green Friday profits to charities that work to protect the environment

  4. Take to YouTube to engage with audiences around environmental and social issues

  5. Consider Twitch which has a history of staging successful charitable events and raised €10.1 million for ocean protection in 2023

  6. If you are an NGO, look for influencers who have signed charters or completed certificates

  7. Research your content creators thoroughly, check out their stats and make sure their values align with your brand’s

  8. Support influencers to help them better understand the issues you want to draw attention to

  9. Develop a long-term relationship with influencers

  10. Prepare an easy-to-read campaign messaging guide for influencers


Brands leading the charge for a greener future

Kolsquare has named several brands that are proving it’s possible to go green and achieve commercial success.

Sustainable Spanish fashion brand Ecoalf has made fabric from 250 million recycled bottles, 80 tons of fishing nets and other recycled materials. Brand ambassador @probablytomfoolery helped spread the message. 

Ikea launched a Green Friday campaign as a Black Friday alternative, boosting its second-hand furniture buyback initiative, which recycled more than 51,000 pieces of furniture in the UK.

In 2023, beauty brand Rituals launched a series of pop-ups that offered an experiential shopping experience and encouraged consumers to participate in content creation.

Sustainable clothing brands Rapanui and Teemill came up with the Taking Back Friday campaign to promote circular fashion. The initiative urged consumers to send back their used Rapanui and Teemill clothing in exchange for store credit. Rapanui is also working with influencers such as @joejackson7 and @lucygosling to build awareness.

Download your copy of Kolsquare’s The Ultimate Guide to #influenceforgood for tomorrow’s brands here -


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