If Taylor Swift Ran For President, Would She Win? ‘the Naked Influencer’ Responds With A Reading Club
In An Era Where Celebrity Popularity Could Sway Elections, Nilton Oliveira Launches A Reading Club Aimed At Transforming Followers Into Critical Thinkers

“If Taylor Swift decided to run for president of the United States, with her fan base and global popularity, it wouldn’t be surprising if she won, such is the impact fame has on millions of people’s political choices,” says Nilton Oliveira, a Brazilian political influencer living in Portugal, known as the ‘Peladão Influencer.’ The term ‘Peladão,’ meaning ‘The Naked One,’ refers to Nilton, a social media figure whose name has become synonymous with fearless advocacy and uninhibited expression, appearing naked in some of his videos on social media.
We live in an era where celebrities have unprecedented influence, often overshadowing traditional experts and political figures. In today’s landscape, where social media reach shapes opinions and decisions, personalities with millions of followers, like Taylor Swift, have a platform rivaling world leaders.
This reality raises important questions about the true essence of democracy and the role of idea-based debate. Nilton Oliveira warns that when popularity replaces competence, the democratic process risks being distorted. “Politics shouldn’t be a popularity contest. We need leaders who understand the population's needs and have real proposals to improve society, not just figures who know how to gain fans,” Nilton emphasizes. His Book Club initiative attempts to counter this trend, encouraging more profound, informed reflection on power and its implications.
Nilton Oliveira, who recently launched a book club on his social media channels, aims to encourage his followers to develop critical thinking and enhance their ability to analyze political landscapes. First, on his profile, the initiative focuses mainly on reading as a tool for empowerment, promoting discussions on political and social topics that impact daily life.
The first book selected for the Book Club is Who Rules the World? by Noam Chomsky, one of the most respected contemporary intellectuals. The choice was deliberate; according to Nilton, the book analyzes global power structures and how they influence everyday people’s lives. “This book invites us to question the world around us and seek the truth behind the news we consume,” says Nilton. “Knowing who controls the world is essential for any informed citizen.”
In addition to fostering reflection, Nilton emphasizes that Chomsky’s book is also a call to action. He encourages his followers to become more involved in politics and local communities. “We’re not mere spectators; we have the responsibility to act and contribute to change,” Nilton adds. The book is available in several languages and can be found on Amazon and in physical bookstores.
Nilton further shares his vision for the Book Club’s goal: “Knowledge is power, and the more we read, the more prepared we are to combat misinformation and manipulation. I hope this book club will empower us and help us develop a more critical political consciousness.”
Nilton’s followers have already started engaging with the initiative, sharing their reflections and takeaways in the comments of his posts. “I’m adding this book to my reading list right away,” wrote one follower. Another commented: “Fantastic initiative! You’re an example of content with substance!”
Nilton employs his peculiar ‘Peladão’ strategy to challenge social media algorithms and capture public attention. The influencer believes that by initially drawing people in with his appearance, he can ensure that the focus shifts to more substantial topics, such as politics, citizenship, and critical thinking. “The idea is simple: grab attention so people stop and, as curiosity grows, they start to listen and learn about critical topics,” Nilton explained.
Nilton Oliveira has gained prominence on social media for making complex political topics accessible and provocative. With a background in law, Nilton uses his digital platform to promote awareness and political debate among his followers, always encouraging critical thinking and active participation in public life. With his creative and unexpected strategies, Nilton has built an engaged audience eager better to understand power structures and their impact on daily life.